Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Essay --

Out of the many experiments being conducted, I have the pleasure of introducing a layered density column to the class. Density is defined as mass divided by volume or the amount of stuff in a certain amount of space. Composed of many different household products (vegetable oil, rubbing alcohol, and even water), density columns present different layers through the masses of each liquid. These columns can contain as many products the experimenter desires. The liquids chosen that have a higher density tend to weigh more, unlike those that weigh less and float to the top if poured into the column. Along with the liquids chosen objects can be placed into the column, and then we would be able to see how each layer has an effect on the objects. For my lab experiment, I will be using 7 products throughout my demonstration. I could use as many products that I want, however 7 is a common amount to start with. Every product will be measured according to the amount that the cup can hold. To conduct my experiment, I will be pouring the products into 2 ounce cups and will construct the column th...

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