Monday, February 24, 2020

Love Blood and oil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Love Blood and oil - Essay Example This meeting took place between the Saudi Arabia’s King Ibn Saudi and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. This agreement progressed at various foreign policy doctrines with the subsequent United States presidents to George W. Bush. The 2008 Klare’s documentary film; Blood and Oil featured much of what was presented in the Klare’s book; that is, the conflict of oil. The oil reserves in the Middle East have long been regarded â€Å"a stupendous source of strategic power† by America. This claim is evidenced by a memo to the state department that is dated August 1945. According to Michael Klare, a progressive energy analyst, in his documentary, Blood and Oil, the Middle East oil resources contributes to the United States’ weakness (Morris&Young 6). Based on the same documentary, Blood and Oil, Klare examines the relationship between United States foreign policy and Oil. Plying the part of a film commentator, Klare hints on the importance of accessing and controlling oil within the presidential doctrines right from FDR through the administration of George W. Bush. On this point, Klare argues that controlling of the world’s energy resources is foundational to the United States of America foreign policy as from the World War II. Notably, the notion of Blood and Oil administrations demonstrates how the United States’ energy policy and foreign policy to be very essential intertwined (Morris&Young 9). Since the year 1860, the United States of American is known to be the leading petroleum consumer. Despite its worldwide low population of approximately five percent of the entire world population, the United States’ oil based economy consumes approximately twenty five percent of oil that is produced globally; this can be approximated to twenty million barrels per day. In the 1960s, the United States became intensively self sufficient and was producing over eighty percent of its own oil. Nonetheless, the

Friday, February 7, 2020

Developing Staffing Plan for an Organization Research Paper

Developing Staffing Plan for an Organization - Research Paper Example An organization may prompt to promote staff from within rather than critically analyzing the needs and consequences to the organization. This strategy might not be effective towards the success of the organization (Bhat & Simon, 2008). Staffing plan enables organizations plan appropriately for the future through identification of current and future staffing requirements. This ensures compliance to the federal and state requirements, as well as assisting organizations in developing and communicating the staffing strategies to the stakeholders. Furthermore, staffing plan is critical in identification of contingency plans, and this addresses the staffing needs based on availability of resources. As a result, an organization can defend and explain the decisions taken when hiring or retrenching the personnel based on objective analysis and proper reasoning complimented by the staffing plan (Budahl, 1970). A staffing plan necessitates transformation of the staffing function to ensure alignment of the human capital to the strategic goals of a company. This enhances utilization of employee, competitive positioning and overall effectiveness.This report presents a website development staffing plan. It covers the literature review, the staff resource; staff assigned roles, resource loading and organizational structure. 2.0. Literature Review From the business point of view, not all staffing positions require full time commitment. Some key functions can be bundled up together to enable a single position cover more than one function. Furthermore, some major functions may be under board committee member or volunteer. Ideally, the staffing plan entails all the staffing needs within a period of 2-3 years. Whenever an opportunity of adding staff arises, the organization response can be quick and assured. The current staff, stakeholders and board members enhances collection of input through which a draft plan can be pulled together within a short duration. Mostly, the drafting process starts by establishing goals and mission of the organization and identification of customer requirements. Identification of customer requirements enhances determination of the kind of staff required as well as determining key functions to keep the organization afloat (Bhat & Simon, 2008). Staffing plan outlines the responsibilities and assignment of various staff to different duties to enhance accountability. This must address the need for any financing or fundraiser. The people enhancing funding should be among the staff. The staffing plan should clearly outline the business objectives. This state the measurable targets on how the business aims must be achieved and sets out the values of the business. This enhances comprehensive understanding of the underlying basis the business actions. Normally, the business objectives reflect the desired financial outcomes. These include the desired profit levels and sales, the growth rates, the amount of generated cash, and the dividends or business value paid to the stakeholders. The objectives can be corporate, functional or unit. Corporate objectives express the relationship of the entire business, and the top management takes