Friday, December 27, 2019

Essay about Work File Review Parenting 1.3 - 1194 Words

Work File Review: Parenting 1.3 Site 1 Using the article raising your $220,000 baby determine answers to the following. 1. Based on your reading the cost of raising a second child for a Typical income family is $222,360 Lower income family is $411,210 Higher income family is $160,410 2. What are three costs that are left out of the average amount? a. College Student expenses b. Lost incomes of family members c. Personal family expenses (medical bills or private schools etc.) Refer to the How much will your family spend chart to answer the following 3. Rank the categories of expenses from the most costly to least costly. Housing, Care/School, Food, Transportation, Health, Misc., Clothing 4. Analyze which†¦show more content†¦Fence in home pools. Poisoning Keep cleaning supplies in a child proof cabinet Use child-proof caps and keep all medicines out of children’s reach Burns Fires NEVER leave candles burning in empty room. Keep loose clothing and hair away from stove. Choking Avoid hard candies, nuts and seeds Avoid toys smaller than the child’s hands and keep small objects out of children’s reach such as paper clips, pins, and coins. Firearms Avoid storing guns in the home. If guns are in the home, keep shells/ammunition in a separate area and NEVER have a loaded gun in the home. The firearm information will not be found on the Mayo Clinic web site. The above is a crucial safety method regarding firearms and keeping children safe. (If guns are in the home, keep shells/ammunition in a separate area and NEVER have a loaded gun in the home.) Site 5 Identify the technique in dealing with teens and pre-teens. Pretend you are the parent in these situations. Excessive phone use/bills are brought up during this time. Techniques that should be used are Listening for Feelings and Praise Good Behavior, so that the teen doesn’t feel attacked by parents. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Secretary Chant By Marge Piercy - 1404 Words

Female The struggle of women to achieve equality has been defined in literature in many different accounts. â€Å"Professions for Women† was a speech delivered by Virginia Woolf to a society of young professional women on her own experiences as a published writer, as well as a declaration about the current inferior status of women, and ways in which that status may change. â€Å"The Secretary Chant† by Marge Piercy is a poem depicting a female secretary who is defined by her occupation. The conventional standards of a woman’s place in society in accordance to men is portrayed in May Swenson’s poem, â€Å"Women†. â€Å"Professions of Women† preaches ways to push forward and advance the feminist movement, while â€Å"Women† and â€Å"The Secretary Chant† succumb to†¦show more content†¦The interesting ordeal is that while Swenson essentially dictates to women to become a form of Woolf’s Angel in the house, Woolf s tates, â€Å"Had I not killed her [referencing the Angel in the House] she would have killed me† (Woolf 2). Woolf continues to preach to her audience that in order for them to become successful professionals they must first kill the Angel in the House; if they are unable to they will always be held back by her, even though every social norm dictates for the woman to become the perfect Angel in the House. Piercy describes a woman who identifies as a secretary in her poem â€Å"The Secretary Chant.† This occupation has taken over the woman in such a way that she describes her body parts as parts of the office, or operators, which preform a secretary’s work: My hips are a desk, From my ears hang Chains of paper clips. Rubber bands form my hair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . File me under W because I wonce was a woman (Piercy 1-4, 21-25). This woman states that she was become so immersed in her job that she no longer identifies as a woman. She has come to accept her current place in society as a secretary and does not try to change her position. She may not attempt to change her position due to a societal norm. Michael Smirlock in his article published in 1980 states, â€Å"WomenShow MoreRelatedSounds and Imagery of Human Emotion1433 Words   |  6 PagesSounds and Imagery of Human Emotion In Marge Piercy’s â€Å"The Secretary Chant†, the author uses images and sound to both dehumanize and mechanize the female speaker, while John Updike uses imagery and sounds to make the â€Å"Player Piano† come to life. Piercy uses images of the speaker, connected with various office equipment to give a vision to the reader of a woman living her life through the office equipment that is part of her very being. Piercy uses personification in reverse and other metaphorsRead MoreThe Changes of Womanhood in Marge Piercy‘s â€Å"The Secretary Chant†724 Words   |  3 PagesMarge Piercy’s â€Å"The Secretary Chant† begins the poem by describing different parts of her body as office supplies. In line one she states that â€Å"My hips are a desk.† In line two and three she says â€Å"From my ears hang/ chains of paper clips.†(2) In line four she also continues with â€Å"Rubber bands form my hair.†(3) I feel like Piercy ’s goal by starting off the poem in this way, was to help emphasize the speakers frustrations toward her job right away. I also feel that by comparing the speakers body

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

management (1982 words) Essay Example For Students

management (1982 words) Essay Facebook is the largest social network . Primarily focused on high school to college students. Facebook has been gaining market share, and more significantly a supportive user base. Since their launch in February 2004, theyve been able to obtain over 8 million users in the U.S. alone and expand worldwide to 7 other English-speaking countries, with more to follow. : Facebook is the largest social network . Primarily focused on high school to college students. Facebook has been gaining market share, and more significantly a supportive user base. Since their launch in February 2004, theyve been able to obtain over 8 million users in the U.S. alone and expand worldwide to 7 other English-speaking countries, with more to follow. The Facebook PhenomenonFirst, lets start by looking into Facebook in a broad spectrum as the network, the phenomenon, the company, and its brand. : The Facebook PhenomenonFirst, lets start by looking into Facebook in a broad spectrum as the network, the phenomenon, the company, and its brand. Originally called thefacebook, Facebook was founded by former Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg (while at Harvard) who ran it as one of his hobby projects with some financial help from Eduardo Saverin. Within months, Facebook and its core idea spread across the dorm rooms of Harvard where it was very well received. Soon enough, it was extended to Stanford and Yale where, like Harvard, it was widely endorsed. : Originally called thefacebook, Facebook was founded by former Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg (while at Harvard) who ran it as one of his hobby projects with some financial help from Eduardo Saverin. Within months, Facebook and its core idea spread across the dorm rooms of Harvard where it was very well received. Soon enough, it was extended to Stanford and Yale where, like Harvard, it was widely endorsed. Mark Zuckerbergthe owner of Facebook : Mark Zuckerbergthe owner of FacebookBefore he knew it, Mark Zuckerberg was joined by two other fellow Harvard students Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes to help him grow the site to the next level. Only months later when it was officially a national student network phenomenon, Zuckerberg and Moskovitz dropped out of Harvard to pursue their dreams and run Facebook full time. In August 2005, thefacebook was officially called Facebook and the domain was purchased for a reported $200,000. : Before he knew it, Mark Zuckerberg was joined by two other fellow Harvard students Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes to help him grow the site to the next level. Only months later when it was officially a national student network phenomenon, Zuckerberg and Moskovitz dropped out of Harvard to pursue their dreams and run Facebook full time. In August 2005, thefacebook was officially called Facebook and the domain was purchased for a report ed $200,000. AvailabilityUnlike its competitors Myspace, Friendster, Xanga, Hi5, Bebo, and others, Facebook isnt available to everyone which explains its relatively low user count. Currently, users must be members of one of the 30,000+ recognized schools, colleges, universities, organizations, and companies within the U.S, Canada, and other English-speaking nations. This generally involves having a valid e-mail ID with the associated institution. : AvailabilityUnlike its competitors Myspace, Friendster, Xanga, Hi5, Bebo, and others, Facebook isnt available to everyone which explains its relatively low user count. Currently, users must be members of one of the 30,000+ recognized schools, colleges, universities, organizations, and companies within the U.S, Canada, and other English-speaking nations. This generally involves having a valid e-mail ID with the associated institution. A large number of surveys and studies have been conducted around Facebook some with interesting results. For instance, according to an internal September 2005 survey, approximately 85% of the students in the supported colleges had a Facebook account, with 60% of them logging in daily. A survey conducted by Student Monitor revealed Facebook was the most in thing after the iPod and tying with beer, and com Score Media Metrix discovered users spend approximately 20 minutes everyday on Facebook. : A large number of surveys and studies have been conducted around Facebook some with interesting results. For instance, according to an internal September 2005 survey, approximately 85% of the students in the supported colleges had a Facebook account, with 60% of them logging in daily. A survey conducted by Student Monitor revealed Facebook was the most in thing after the iPod and tying with beer, and com Score Media Metrix discovered users spend approximately 20 minutes everyday on Facebook. Macbeth from hero to murdereth EssayAs of August 2006, Facebook has offered a free developer API called Facebook developers. This essentially gives anyone access to Facebooks internals and lets programmers create widgets, destroy , tools and projects based around Facebook.This is an important feature for Facebook since it makes it the first major social network to give access to its API. : As of August 2006, Facebook has offered a free developer API called Facebook developers. This essentially gives anyone access to Facebooks internals and lets programmers create widgets, destroy , tools and projects based around Facebook.This is an important feature for Facebook since it makes it the first major social network to give access to its API. Although it is limited to 100,000 requests a day, its more than enough for a decent web app to come through. Whats more, a selection of applications have already been created. Facebank is a promising tool which lets you keep track of depts and shared expenses with friends. Another interesting application is likuacious which lets you rank your friends by wall popularity. The Wall, of course, is Facebooks comments feature. : Although it is limited to 100,000 requests a day, its more than enough for a decent web app to come through. Whats more, a selection of applications have already been created. Facebank is a promising tool which lets you keep track of depts and shared expenses with friends. Another interesting application is likuacious which lets you rank your friends by wall popularity. The Wall, of course, is Facebooks comments feature. The Future Facebook is a massively successful social networking service Most Networked Executives that grew to prominence in virtually no time. Its not hard to see why: its features and tools are highly appealing, and Facebook users are extremely well networked in real life. Rumors of an acquisition continue to circulate, with some estimates putting the price in the billions of dollars. In the short term, however, Facebook plans to go it alone, continuing to build out one of the worlds most successful social networks. : The Future Facebook is a massively successful social networking service Most Networked Executives that grew to prominence in virtually no time. Its not hard to see why: its features and tools are highly appealing, and Facebook users are extremely well networked in real life. Rumors of an acquisition continue to circulate, with some estimates putting the price in the billions of dollars. In the short term, however, Facebook plans to go it alone, continuing to build out one of the worlds most successful social networks. Slide 23: And now in Syria the government block the Facebook and we dont know the reasons.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Various dimensions of product and service quality

Introduction Defining quality is one of the most controversial topics in management. The fact is that quality, by any precision, is a difficult concept. Most of the management scholars understand quality products or services as those that can be deemed to be meeting the customer’s expectations (Reeves Bednar 1994, p.120).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Various dimensions of product and service quality specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Though, this fundamental definition of quality is still being considered to be inadequate. According to Garvin 1987, this definition only considers one aspect which is user-based. However, there are also other scopes such as transcendent, product based and manufacturing based qualities that must be considered so as to have a complete definition of quality. Scholars such as Garvin 1987, argue that in order to come up with a complete definition of product or service quality, c ertain dimensions must be put into consideration. These include performance, features, reliability, durability, serviceability, aesthetics and perception. These eight dimensions of Garvin will constitute what a quality product or service is to the end user. Conceptualizing quality In most cases, product or service quality will be understood from the customer’s point of view (Reeves Bednar 1994, p.123). According to Garvin 1987, that would be when the end user is satisfied. The reason why this definition dominates is that most corporations have understood the fact that providing customer’s value is the only way through which they can remain competitive. In other words, providing quality services or products that satisfies the customer’s needs offers the company an additional competitive advantage (Sachdev Verma 2004, p.93). Basically, increased competition, technological changes and the constant modifications in the regulatory environment have led to increased customer sophistication (Chakrapani, 1998). Customers are constantly demanding more in a particular product, emphasizing quality that normally satisfy their broader needs. This makes it intricate for companies to manage their expectations. The customers raised standards, expectations and perceptions of a product or service are constantly evolving (Foster, 2009). This further complicates the effective management and measurement of the customer needs. In order to manage and measure the customer services effectively, firms have to selectively improve the services and critically pay attention to more customer oriented dimensions (Sachdev Verma 2004, p.93). It is vital for the companies to acknowledge the product dimensions that their customers emphasize.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Investments that firms make must also provide impetus on those actions geared towards satisfy ing customer needs. This will increase their efficiency in their service delivery and remain competitive in a highly charged market place (Chakrapani, 1998). Moreover, firms need to prioritize and fully exploit their customer services attributes according to their specific contexts. In other words, each services quality has its own specific dimensions. For instance, dimensions that are required in the hospitality servives are different from those that are required in the information services or in health. Another important consideration is that all the customer oriented quality dimensions are all equally important hence no proper order could be established in terms of their importance (Sachdev Verma 2004, p.94). Products such as mobile phones are very sensitive to the market demand and mobile phone firms take cognizance of the product quality dimensions in their marketing strategy. For instance, compare the newly released Samsung Galaxy S3 Smartphone and much anticipated Galaxy S4. Samsung Galaxy Android Smartphone S4 is expected to be an improvement of S3 with more features such as 12-megapixel camera capable of taking 1080 videos accompanied with stereo sound. The phone will be based on multi-media together with high resolution display. The high resolution displays is an improvement of galaxy S3Pen Tile display that displeases most of the users. Also expected in the Galaxy S4 is the longer lasting battery. Even though Galaxy S3 had 2100mAh which was claimed to be lasting longer, most of the customers complained of its quicker drain. Another feature which is also expected to meet the customer expectation in Galaxy S4 is the design. Most of the S3 users complained of its contemptible plastic feel. S4 is expected to have a more cutting-edge design completed with enhanced material. Galaxy S4 is also expected to have S-Voice system, android beam as well as the Google Chrome default browser. The Smartphone will also be having the latest android operating system 4 .1 Jelly Bean, 2GB RAM, the 3D water proofing flexible display. All these features were expected in S3 but somehow they failed to show. Looking at the Samsung Galaxy Smartphone example it is clear that the company take into consideration various dimensions such as performance, features, reliability, conformance, aesthetic and perception when developing the latest product.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Various dimensions of product and service quality specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Even though the Galaxy S3 was an improvement of the other Galaxy series, it fell short of the customer expectations. This made the company face stiff competition from other mobile phone companies such as Apple. Apple is also expected to release iPhone 5 which will be a substitute to Samsung Galaxy S4. The performance dimension is what the product or service is expected to do. In most cases, companies emphasize on the performance be cause it directly influences profitability and the customer reputation (Foster, 2009). The features dimension defines and specifies the purpose of particular features in the intended product. In other words, it identifies whether the product or service have all the specified features for its intended purpose (Garvin, 1987). The reliability aspect looks at the way that particular product or service is performing according to stipulated conditions. The reliability dimension contributes hugely to the company brand image. It is one of the fundamental dimensions that the end users normally look into (Foster, 2009). Conformance dimension looks at whether the product matches the specification or whether the products are performing as specified. Conformance dimension depends on the product development. That is, whether the product is developed on design or performance specifications. The aesthetic dimension is how the product appears to the customers (Garvin, 1987). Aesthetic dimension of a product or service is where the company derives the brand identity. Defects or faults in the products normally reduce the aesthetic dimension. The perception is how the product is conceived by the end-user. For instance, Galaxy S3 is still perceived as a high definition Smartphone even though it posses some shortfalls in its features. Other dimensions such as serviceability and durability must also be put into consideration when developing a product (Garvin, 1987). Conclusion The service or product quality is defined as those that meet the customer satisfaction. Even though there are other aspects of quality product or service, the end-user definition is essential because it increases the company competitive edge.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Besides, other dimensions performance, features, reliability, durability, serviceability, aesthetics and perception that form part of product quality are also being looked into by the firms. However, quality dimensions are all equally important hence no proper order could be established in terms of their importance. References Chakrapani, C 1998, How to measure service quality and customer satisfaction, American marketing association, Chicago, IL. Foster, ST 2009, Managing quality: integrating the supply chain, Pearson-Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. Garvin, DA 1987, â€Å"Competing on eight dimensions of quality† Harvard Business Review, Vol. 65, pp. 101-109. Reeves, C Bednar, D 1994, â€Å"Defining quality: alternatives and implications†, Academy of Management Review, vol. 19, pp. 419-445. Sachdev, SB Verma, HV 2004. â€Å"Relative importance of service quality dimensions: a multi-sectoral study†, Journal of Service Research, vol. 4 no. 1, pp. 93-113. This essay on Various dimensions of product and service quality was written and submitted by user Kyla Burt to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.